Thursday, December 30, 2010
I wrote this in response to this piece on why crowdfunding is superior to crowdsourcing. It was clearly written by someone who hadn’t participated in these kinds of emerging activities. She rips on crowdsourcing, yet she used Wikipedia, a type of crowdsourcing, to write her article (I checked some of her facts, which were clearly […]
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The people that makes for a bad team member has nothing to do with their skill but has everything to do with their inner humanbeing. If they’re a bad person to begin with, you betcha they’re gonna be a terrible person to work with especially in a creative environment. The characters all have some fundamental […]
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I started to search for a pattern in a discussion forum talking about who they thought was the top design school in the world. I read every post. I wrote down the school and the reasons given on why it was the top. Most reasons were “because I said so” with a descriptor like “fantastic” […]
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
College spreads your wings and then shoves you out of the nest into the working-world. You think you’re ready, so you enthusiastically pump your fists into the air, hum “I believe I can fly!”, and plummet towards the ground of the professional world. When you jump, you actually DO believe that you can fly. This […]
Isn’t it so easy to use the words “product designer” to explain to our mothers and our left-brain-business partners about what an industrial designer does? But alas, it may be easy, but it does an injustice to the profession. “Product” implies anything you can sell, like electronics, software, service, cocaine. “Product design” is not befitting […]
I made a comment on Design Observer on “Design Loves a Depression” in 2009 which got reposted on the furniture society‘s website with the editor of Dwell. Looking back, I’m still waiting for my American designer hero. I hope that some of the writing in this blog can help you become my American design hero.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I made a comment the following about the new “design of the decade” project by IDSA Pay>judge>compete. It’s too self-selecting. Something titled “The Design of the Decade” should be curated. Or call it for what it is “The Designs Introduced in this Last Decade That Have Been Submitted for Consideration Though It May Not Necessarily […]