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Tag Archives: professional

Dream Enablers

Stefan Sagmeister My friend wanted to quit design. She had a designer’s-block of sorts. So I wrote a letter to Stefan Sagmeister asking him what he does when he has a block. Sagmeister’s one of my design-mentors, only possible in the world of books and the web. I was just a random kid, but he […]

The Importance of Colliding Ideas in Your Brain

I spoke with Steven Johnson today, who recently spoke at TED. He promotes the intermingling of ideas that occupy different spaces, not on any sort of spectrum, to create good ideas. These ideas also don’t have to happen at a cultural level or even a physical space like a coffeeshop, which he describes in his […]

The Creative Hierarchy

Architects think they can do industrial design Industrial designers think they can do graphic design Graphic designers think they can write Writers think they can edit Editors think they can direct photography Photographers think they can create art Artists do all of the above

Sex, Trends, and Relationships: Design Needs Comedic Research

“Jesters do oft prove prophets” – w.Shakespere, Tragedy of King Lear. Being a prophet is much more exciting than someone who understands the present. It’s mystical to know the future. But the jester, the comedian, actually does a better job of knowing the present, this moment in time, better than any other profession. The skills […]

Beware of Your Workforce Enemies

The people that makes for a bad team member has nothing to do with their skill but has everything to do with their inner humanbeing. If they’re a bad person to begin with, you betcha they’re gonna be a terrible person to work with especially in a creative environment. The characters all have some fundamental […]

Stupidass Question: What’s the Top Design School in the Woooorld?

I started to search for a pattern in a discussion forum talking about who they thought was the top design school in the world. I read every post. I wrote down the school and the reasons given on why it was the top. Most reasons were “because I said so” with a descriptor like “fantastic” […]

Designed Myth of a Four Year University

College spreads your wings and then shoves you out of the nest into the working-world. You think you’re ready, so you enthusiastically pump your fists into the air, hum “I believe I can fly!”, and plummet towards the ground of the professional world. When you jump, you actually DO believe that you can fly. This […]

Process is in the Details: Dating is the Opposite of Interviewing for a Job

The process for interviewing for a job is similar to the dating process. Generally, it goes something like this: Step 1: Find someone you want to date (find a place where you want to work) Step 2 (optional): Find someone that might know her (find someone that might know someone who works there) Step 3: […]

Go Ahead Sk8rboi, Wear Those Skaterpants to Interviews

I wore a pair of khaki skaterpants to my first internship interview. Skater-pants, let me remind you, were a popular pair of pants in the late 90’s. They were like bellbottoms, except instead of just flaring out at the bottom, they kind of… kept flaring upwards to the waist. Disco had bellbottoms, Hiphop had hammer […]

How I Learned to be a Design Professional from James Bond

Being “A Professional” is a state of mind, a way of life. To act “Professional” is just a behavior, a facade. Being “A Professional” is a deliberate everyday practice of your inner pursuit to achieve perfection, from how you fill your cup of coffee to how you present your design to your colleagues. It takes […]